"It is the child in man that is the source of his uniqueness and creativeness, and the playground is the optimal milieu for the unfolding of his capacities and talents."
Zeigen'11, the perfect milieu for you technozards to compete and showcase your skills. Bring out your technical wizardary and confound us.
Face new challenges, seize new opportunities, test your resources against the unknown and in the process discover your own unique potential.
Ziegen'11 instigates the creativeness, Resilience and Exuberance in the minds of us, budding engineers.
The Zeal the contestants bring to this event increases the standards of the event year after year.
We hope that this year's vivacious events deluge colossal gobs of information which will make us all better professionals and preponderant in our future endeavors.
ACE (Association of Computer Engineers) is a voluntary association of Computer Science and Engineering students at K.L.N. College of Engineering.The mission of ACE is to foster and conduct collaborative interdisciplinary activities in state-of-the-art methodologies and technologies within its areas of expertise.The aim is to step up the interaction between students and faculty members and encourage them to take part in various activities, while having loads of fun all the time.ACE entails several technical and career-related events throughout the year.Its members include department heads, professors, and undergraduate engineering and technology students, etc. It plays an influential role and promotes developments in Computer Science and Information Technology in a wide range of ways.It organizes conferences, workshops, and provides sponsor or technical support to conferences and workshops, also publishes high quality academic journals in Computer Science. To add feather to its cap,ACE proudly organizes the national level technical symposium Zeigen'11 to bring out the hidden innovations of young technopaths to limelight.
ACE Coordinator:
Asst.Prof R.Lakshmi M.C.A.,M.E.,President: Vigneshvar
Vice President: Karthic kumar
Secretary: Khushbu Agarwalla
Joint Secretary: Rahini
Treasurer: Ashokan and Sahama Infanta Pyari
Administrative Members:Chadhur, Vasanth, Chitradevi, Swathi